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The aim of the FINDATA study programme is to educate highly qualified experts in the field of finance and data analytics, i.e., graduates equipped with knowledge of key financial and economic disciplines with emphasis on environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations. The FINDATA programme objective is to provide its graduates with systematic knowledge not only of finance but also of advanced technological applications, so that they will be prepared to face the challenges associated with constant developments in financial technology.

The FINDATA programme is designed to make the best use of the specific expertise available at each Partner University. It shall enable each student to profit from the best education and supporting services each Partner offers, and to enable each student to gain experience in different international environments.

The FINDATA programme language is English. The study field is economics/finance completed by informatics. The FINDATA programme comprises 120 ECTS credits, which correspond to a period of study of 4 semesters or 2 years. The study form of the FINDATA programme is full time. The students are obliged to study at least in three of the Partner universities.

Two specialisations are offered to the students to choose within the FINDATA programme – Corporate Finance, and Financial Markets. Each student chooses his specialisation according to his/her preference and also to the capacities of the partner universities. Both of them are equal and lead to the joint diploma provided together by the four Partner universities. Approximately one half of students is expected to study each specialisation.

The aim of the specialization of Corporate Finance is to obtain a state-of-the-art understanding of modern corporate finance and to provide in-depth insights into the field of sustainable corporate finance by developing the awareness of the social and environmental impacts and the importance of digital transformation on financial choices to create long term financial benefits. The aim of the specialization of Financial Markets is to prepare highly qualified finance specialists with a good understanding of finance and financial markets for sustainable development trained to deal with modern-day financial and economic problems toward a long-term paradigm for sustainable investments.

When applying for a study programme, applicants preliminarily choose a specialization that is not obligatory. During the first year, the specialization can be changed upon request.

Student and staff mobilities are integral parts of the FINDATA programme. Each student must spend a semester at least with three out of the four Partner universities.


Structure of the Programme of Study:

Compulsory courses96
Elective courses
(a) Courses per concentration
Postgraduate assignment30
Practical training-
Total ECTS120

Additional Details:

CODE1st Semester University of PardubiceECTS
 Economics and Financial Aspects of Innovation and Sustainability5
 Principles of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning5
 Applied Financial Econometrics5
 EU Law and European Values5
 Research Methods5
 Electives (one out of two): 
 Principles of programming for R5
 International Finance and Macroeconomics5
 2nd semester European University Cyprus 
 Computational Finance10
 Big Data Analytics in Finance10
 Electives (one out of two): 
 Machine Learning in Finance10
 Programming for Python10
 Summer school in Cyprus – June, after the exam period
The aim is to introduce the students with diploma thesis topics and choices available at each university. One representative from each university should participate.
 3rd Semester Choice between LUMSA or Vilnius 
 a) LUMSA (specialisation Corporate Finance) 
 Innovation in Banking and FINTECH6
 Sustainable Finance and Investments6
 Advanced Corporate Finance8
 Ethics and Humanism in Digital Era8
 Electives (one out of two): 
 Financial Risk Management4
 Corporate Strategy and Sustainability4
 b) Vilnius University (specialisation Financial Markets) 
 Integrity and Ethics in Finance5
 Behavioural Finance for Sustainable Development5
 Technical Analysis of Financial Markets5
 Investing for Environmental and Social Impact5
 Financial Technologies and Alternative Investments5
 Electives (one out of two): 
 Equity Securities5
 Investment Portfolio Analysis5
 4th Semester 
 In any University
Master diploma theses

*Students will be present in the campus of the selected university during the whole semester